Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Mike, what can i say about him.....  He is my BFF, my husband, my hero, my carpenter, my plumber, my electrician, my mechanic, and my fishing partner!!!  Our first date was a weekend fishing trip to Lake Seminole Fl with his son, his brother, and his father...  We had a great time..  I thought he was FINE!!   I was 23 and had Ashley who at this time was 14 months old...  I already knew that Robert was gonna deadbeat, cause that is how he rolled, so I was looking for a good father...  I watch Mike with his son Kevin all weekend, how he acted around him, how he treated him, how his family was with him...  I was very satisfied with what I was seeing, and I really liked him, thought he was the coolest guy I have ever met!!!!!!  We decided on that trip to give a relationship a try..  We did..  we jumped in with both feet...  We practically lived together from the first date on..  We just clicked, like nothing I had ever experienced in my life...  That was 1995..  The year after Ashley was born is the year she met her REAL father...  Mike told me about 6 months into our relationship, Ashley needs a Dad and I can be that for her..  I wont leave her, she will be mine, just like Kevin is, even if things don't work out with us, I will still be her Dad!!!!  I loved him even more after he said that!!!!  Who knew 17 years later, we would still be together...  It has not been perfect, but it has been solid!!  

Let me tell you...  He and his family...  Just amazing people, they took me and my girl in and treated us like family from the very beginning...  Well, almost from the beginning.  I had to win Jane over, Ashley had her from the minute Jane set eyes on her, she loved her.  There was a time when Jane was spoiling Ashley so badly, she was getting hard to live with...  I had to tell her to stop, we have to live with her, and she was rotten!!!!  Jane laughed and apologized, she said Ashley was so cute and so special, she just wanted her to have everything she wanted, right when she wanted it....  She did understand my point and rained in her lavishing ways!!  Mr. Jerry loved both of us from the beginning!  What a sweet man he was!  I miss them both terribly, we have lost My Father and both Mike's parents in the last 6 years...  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cold weather

Brrrr!! Looks like winter is here... The prob with winter in FL... Our humidity level stays up, so what you get is a bone chilling cold that is, believe it or not, colder feeling than a dry cold that is even much colder in temp.... It can be 45 her and you will shiver to the point of hurting!!! It can be painful..

Friday, December 9, 2011

The "Representative"

My friend Pat shared this theory with me and the it hands down the truth.. The "Rep" is the person you meet.. Everyone is on their best behavior when they first enter your life, in a love relationship it is REALLY true.... The "Rep" say and does all the right things says all the right things.. Well in time people get comfy with each other and the "real deal" show up.. The "RD" is the person who is left... If you have found someone to be a keeper in your life their "RD" is close to the "Rep". Sometimes the two are vastly different!!! Sometimes the "Rep" leaves and a total stranger is left behind.. That was the case in my first marriage, I call it "flipping the switch".. They are just different one day, usually after a stressor.. My second marriage, with the exception that he does not do dishes, he is the Same person I met.. I think I am too... When someone changes like that, bail!!! The "Rep" is never coming back.. You will get stuck in a cycle of "you need to change" and them only doin short term changes to hook you again, and then back to the "RD".