Sunday, November 27, 2011

AHHHHH!! Sunday Again!!

Oh Sunday how I love you!!!  This is my fave day of the week..  I get to go to church and Worship, one of my fav things to do..  I need it especially bad today...  We were out of town last week, so I missed, but a dear friend brought me the CD, so i am caught up..  But, I missed the Worship..  The connection I make with the music is unreal, it really softens my heart and prepares it to hear the Word!!  Today I get the full effect, maybe I will stay for the second music set too.. I stay when Mike is playing his guitar...  But today, he is sleeping...  Worked a 12 hour shift over night last night..  Gotta go!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

The good and the bad! Always come together!!

I haven't written in a while...  I haven't really had much to say...  I have been in a bit of a funk...  We have had some amazingly good things happen around our house, and some amazingly stressful stuff happening around here too!!

 We will start with the good...  After 5 years, Mike has gotten hired with a Jail as a deputy again..  He worked in this field before, decided to open his own handyman business(which did not work out in the economy) and has finally gotten back in with detention...  It is not a fun job, but the pay is good and the benefits are awesome..

Now the stressful...  My girl has been having a little rebellion..  In the scope of what a teen can pull its mild, but because of who my girl normally is, its bad!!!  I am just at my wits end with the whole thing!!!    I don't want to do much bashing on here, this is not really the place for that, for me...  But I will say....  I am over it!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

one sided relationships, outta balance!!

It is my personal opinion that a lasting relationship should have balance....  To me a relationship should look like a mixture of both of the individuals, not weighing heavy to one side or the other...  I feel like my husband and I have a good balance of each of our likes, and even some things we both like...  When you are in a relationship that is all about one and very little of the other, the little one will get lost.....  Once you loose yourself, it is really hard to find yourself again...  I find that these relationships are mildly toxic, like ingesting a tiny bit of poison that could take years to kill you but you feel bad, and don't know why!!!!!!  For what ever reason, women are the worst, we loose ourselves in the men we are with..  You might find yourself doin things that before made you roll your eyes and gasp in disgust, next thing you know you are spending hours doin the very thing that "pre-guy", you wouldn't have been caught dead doin!!!  Why do women do that????  Wouldn't it be easier and better for you if you found someone who was like you to begin with, instead of trying to fit yourself into a life that you have no business in??????  Evaluate your relationship and ask your self...  Does this look like who I have been for the five years before this person came along???  If the answer is NO, then it is time to find a new person!!!  The real problem is.....  If you want to change who you are, then fantastic, but pretending to be someone you are not, is lying!!!  All lies end badly!!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Experimentation is part of my job!!

Today I am experimenting with ombré haircolor!! Not doin the Hollywood typical blonde on brown.. Instead I am doin a red on brown that I think will make my haircut pop!! At least that is what I am hoping for!!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

If I can't be happy all the time, I wonder is it even possible...

Here's the deal...  I am a stay at home hair dresser..  which means, my friends come to my house to talk with me and get their stuff done...  I don't have to go anywhere, my schedule is COMPLETELY flexible, I don't have to get dressed or even put on makeup...  If  I can't be satisfied in my career, I highly doubt anyone can!!!!    It is rewarding when I help someone, it is challenging, when they want something different, it is engaging when we are talking about tough stuff. oh and I get paid pretty well!!  Why can't I be happy and run out there every day with a huge smile on my face?!?!?!?!?!?!?  Cause I am human, that is why!!!  We are fault finding creatures!!!  Today my prayer is for God to renew my spirit where my Job is concerned!!!  I have the greatest job in the world!!