Monday, October 17, 2011

The early years...

I was a bad kid...  I had parents that seemed to be too caught up in what was goin on with them to see what was goin on with me... I don't blame them for my behavior, but they sure didn't do anything to stop it!!  I started smoking when I was 10, I was drinking by 12, smoking pot by 14, first line of cocaine, 17...  Many drugs to follow.......  I would mix drugs and alcohol, I stayed out all night..  I PARTIED like a Rock Star, in a small town in FL!!   It is absolutely a blessing from God that I didn't die or have anything horrific happen to me....My parents were married until I was 19..  Daddy moved out and it was me and Mom and my sister...  It wasn't long before I moved in with Daddy and my brother, Paul.   The day I moved in, My Dad told me, he wasn't gonna put up with my freeloading ways and if I wanted to live with him, I was gonna have to work and pay 1/3 of the bills!!  In other words "TIME TO GROW UP"  well!!  So, I got a job at the Russell Corporation and went to work!!!  I was really good at it!!  Apparently I have awesome dexterity!!  Who knew????  I sewed sweat shirts..  I mastered the first operation they gave me and in no time I was moving all over, doin all the jobs to make the shirts!!  They played music so I would sing and sew all day...  Come home covered in multiple colored dust!!   Life was good, Daddy and I lived together for a little over a year, he got a GF that I hated so I started looking for a place to live, and a roommate...  I found a trailer, dirt cheap and 3 bedroom..  I had never lived in a trailer, but I knew I didn't want an apartment and I couldn't afford a house.... So, trailer it was....  I found this girl that I worked with, she seemed cool, so I let her move in with me...  I moved in next to these 4 guys....  James..  One of the biggest POT growers in our county, he thought I was cute!!!  Jerry, this little slouched back looked like an old man at 24 guy, that I found very gross...  Dean( we called him Joe, idk why??) and Robert... Now Robert was different than the others, in that I didn't find him completely repulsive..  He was funny and different than anyone I had met, best part, he LIKED me!!!  Now by the time I had met Robert, I was a hard working HOT MESS!!  I worked harder than anyone I knew, but I partied just that hard...  The boys in the trailer next to me were garbage men..  Hahahahahahahah!!  I had never met a garbage man before, I was raised very middle class...  No trailers, NO garbage men!!!  Back in those days, I worked all day and partied all night...  When I wasn't partying, I was still hanging out...  We played poker on Fridays night, Seville on Saturday, Ren & Stimpy on Sunday, 90210 on Monday.......  There was somebody there all the time...  Either the boys next door or some of the other 7 or 8 people I hung out with , at this time..  It was Me and Cindy, we were the two girls in the group...  Prob because we thought more like them than reg girls like Michelle(my roommate) when I look back at these years of my life, I think, OMG it is just amazing that I didn't hit someone, cause I drove DRUNK, that I didn't OD, that I didn't get raped...  God ABSOLUTELY  protected me while I was off being the prodigal!!! This went on for about a year......

I am now 21, I decide that all this partying is wearing me out...  So I think, BF!!  That will fix it!!!  I will get a boyfriend and settle down...  Dads GF will quit calling me a whore(which I was not, but she couldn't understand a girl who hung out with all those guys, not sleeping with all of them at the same time, :), maybe Mom would like me again(her and I were estranged at this time, from the blow up that caused my move to daddy's),it would fix all my problems, and I could get some rest!!!!

Enter Robert..  The garbage man next door....  Man, he was a mess too...  But I thought he was cute, so I went out on a date with him...  How romantic, he got us a bottle of Jagermiester and we went and drank it straight sittin on the beach...  No dinner, no movie...  Why did I think that was good enough for a first date????  On our second sate, we went to a Halloween party, at Cindy's house... The only thing I remember about that night is, sitting on his lap at the table drinking, and smoking pot, cause that is what we did...  ALL the time!!!!  In walks a man, now all the people I hung out with were 8-12 yrs older than me, he is FINE, I was mesmerized by him, while I was sittin on Robert's lap..  I had seen this man before..  When I was 16 and he was around 26, he is my Brothers friend Mike, HE IS FINE!!  He had on a leather jacket and jeans, everybody was so happy to see him, he was only in town for the night...  He was like a superstar to these people, I had heard the stories about him, he was almost a legend to me at that time...  Meeting him was like meeting a rockstar, he had been in a band, and had traveled, he was AWESOME!!!   He didn't even notice us, the two kids sitting at the table with all the grown ups, soooooo, my attention turned back to Robert........

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