Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sometimes we don't agree...

My daughter and I have been in a pissing contest for the last few weeks...  I think her BF is a moron..  Like not just immature, but, just not very smart..  I know what my girl has told me she wants outta her adult life...  She wants 2 kids, she want a LARGE house, she wants a cool car, she wants stairs in her house..  She wants a green lawn that is manicured and beautiful..  She wants a husband that is helpful and nice to her...  I think all these things are fantastic!!  Here is my problem....  When you want all of those things in your adult life, you have to shop for your mate with all of that in mind!!  Meaning, that more than his personality matters.....  There is a perfect man out there for her that has what it takes to fill all of those things for her...  Now she doesn't want her man to provide all, she is goin to college and wants to get a RN and eventually be a Nurse Practitioner..  Very good career choice, and completely doable for my very bright girl!!! Problem, if she settles for someone that is just nice and doesn't consider all the other attributes that will make him what he will be in the future, she could fall very short of what she wants....  Why would she do that?!?!!?!? My other issue..  If you see that there is no future, why would you continue the relationship like there is ..  Me, being a logically thinking person, finds it absolutely ridiculous to have a relationship that you already know how it is goin to end, badly for one or the other...  Why continue to let feelings build if they are never goin anywhere????  I don't get that???  So, she tells me to shut me up that he is her right now...  Well, my issue with that is, he thinks they are getting married one day....  Why would the girl that I have raised better than that, lead him on..  I don't find that to be very fair, even though I really don't like the kid, it is not right to do that to him....  So we are at an inpass.....  I don't know what the answer is...  I am giving this one to God, he knows better than me, what is right for her!  I am believing God will rectify this situation and hopefully the lesson she learns won't be too hard to swallow!!!  Sometimes he corrects things in a harsh way to make a point!

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