Monday, October 10, 2011

Just somethin cool!!

So Mike and I decide to go out to the river today..  We got there and the sky was mostly blue with a little cloud cover...  We put in and get around the corner from the dock to a place we fished about a month or more ago(after church on a Sunday afternoon, when I lost my fav lure on a tin roof).  We tie up to a pylon there, cause Mike forgot the trolling motor, and start to fish....  Low and behold, Mike says 'Hey, there is a lure in the water"...  Jokingly I said "wouldn't it be cool if it was mine"..  IT WAS!!!!!!  The lure that I got hung on that tin roof a month or more ago, was floating in the exact spot that we were fishing!!!  HA!!!  I couldn't believe it!!  Thought it was cool!!!!  If I knew how to post pics on this thing, I would show it to ya!!!

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